Html Vs Html5


2 min read

Html Vs Html5

What is HTML?

HTML is just a language to structure the content of a document by using tags and attributes. Luckily it doesn't require any compiler to run it just like C++, It requires only an ID and a browser. Here ID refers to the code editor such as VS code, it can be edit even in notepad but while saving the document an extension should be .html i.e (project 01.html).

All old browser supports an older version of HTML i.e HTML itself so, what is the newer or updated version of HTML? It is HTML5.

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is an HTML language only, but with an updated and advanced version that is equipped with new features. This allows the developers to build more interactive pages that every user need. Hence, It just followed a rule of evolution to survive in this language advancement era.

What's the basic difference between HTML and HTML5?

  1. HTML is easy to use and execute in almost all browsers. Whereas HTML5 cannot be run by older browsers such as Mozilla Firefox version 2 and 3.6.

  2. HTML supports basic tags such as div and span which don't define the content inside the tags well whereas HTML5 has semantic tags which are self-explanatory such as header, nav, form, table, footer, article and so on. This helps the browser as well as another developer to understand the webpage more properly, as a result, it ranks in SEO.

  3. HTML5 is still in the developing phase. So, we must be updated for new features in HTML5. Hence the revolutionary thing in HTML5 is the support of multimedia content i.e audio, video, and image as well as a canvas which allows the user to draw and edit that has been already used by multimedia editing tools such as Canva and Figma.

What we are using now HTML or HTML5?

It has a very simple answer just like that what is the current version of your playstore or any app? Obviously not know the current version but it is preety sure that it is a latest version. Similary we are using HTML5 default as a latest version of HTML.